
教育管理教育硕士(M.Ed. 管理.)






少至15人 个月




Fast track into an educational leadership position with your online Master of Education in Educational 管理istration in as little as 15 个月. The Education 管理istration master’s degree will open up exciting new educational opportunities and greater income potential for you. At CIU we offer a comprehensive program that provides you with the skills and knowledge to succeed in today’s rapidly changing educational leadership landscape. 我们的课程设计在短短15个月内完成, 让你快速获得学位,开始你的职业目标. Along the way you will be supported by highly experienced faculty members who have served for years in the field of educational administration and have a wealth of knowledge to share. 我们的教师致力于帮助你成长和发展成为一个领导者, and they will work closely with you to ensure that you have the resources and support you need to succeed. Advance your career to the next level and make a meaningful impact on the educational community with our online Master of Education in Educational 管理istration program.

Note: This degree program does not currently qualify the graduate for any South Carolina Department of Education teaching or principal credential, 证书, 或任何其他授权.


Columbia Inter国家 University is an excellent choice for students seeking a Master of Education in Educational 管理istration. Our program is regionally accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), ensuring that you will receive a high-quality education that is recognized and respected by employers across the country. 我们的在线课程可以随时访问, 24/7, providing you with the flexibility you need to balance your studies with your personal and professional responsibilities. 另外, 我们为符合条件的申请人提供经济援助, 让所有背景的学生都能负担得起我们的课程. 我们的在线课程由具有博士学位的经验丰富的教师授课, 确保你得到最高水平的指导和指导. 我们的教师是教育管理方面的专家, 他们致力于帮助你在学业上取得成功,实现你的职业目标. 整体, the Master of Education in Educational 管理istration program at Columbia Inter国家 University provides students with the knowledge, 在教育界产生有意义影响所需的技能和证书. Whether you are a seasoned educator or in the education profession you can gain skills needed to achieve your career goals and make a positive difference in the lives of others. 


A Master of Education in Educational 管理istration offers a wide range of benefits and opportunities for those seeking to enter the field of educational administration. 你会对领导原则有更深的理解, 人力资源, 财务及预算, 对学习方式的指导和教学进行监督. CIU’s Master of Education in Education 管理istration degree will instruct you in the latest trends and developments in the field of education administration and thoroughly prepare you for a satisfying and rewarding career. 除了在教育领域的领导地位, 这个学位可以为教育倡导和监督等领域提供机会. 


  • EDU 7300课程基础

    This course will enable both teachers and administrators to develop curriculum and use instructional design from a biblical worldview. 学生将通过设计综合教学,学会将信仰与学习结合起来, 写标准和目标, 从圣经的世界观教导批判性思维. 课程的成果将包括一份全面的教育标准清单, 批判性思维技能的列表, 以及在综合课程中使用的圣经或人物整合模型的知识.

  • 真实评估

    This course is designed to introduce students to varying 方法 of assessment procedures in order for them to establish a foundation for constructing or choosing various forms of assessments and interpreting and reporting the results in order to gauge student educational progress.

  • 课程开发与教学

    本课程旨在帮助学生发展和分析课程. 哲学, 理论, 在规划和发展远程和短程单位时,将审查战略. 知识、美学和价值观的原则是根据教与学来考虑的.

  • 教育研究

    本课程旨在使学生能够进行和评估教育研究. 教学将强调主要原则, 方法, 以及受教育学生所采用的研究程序. 特别强调了对学校教育和管理有效性的研究.

  • EDU 5515制度进步

    今天的管理者的角色不仅仅是监督学校的日常活动. 他们必须处理一些复杂的问题,如筹款、选角和公共关系. This course emphasizes the critical administrative processes that heads of schools must be able to effectively accomplish in order to develop and maintain a healthy school. 战略规划, 开发和营销, 财务责任是根据圣经的原则来探讨的. 每种策略在实际案例中的应用有助于学生将理论转化为实践.

  • 法律和人事

    本课程着眼于学校管理者对选民的道德和法律责任, 尤其是人员. 广博的校法知识对行政人员的明智决策至关重要, 数据功能, 为学校做决定. Embedded within the study of school law is the study of the principles and practices of effective personnel administration. 案例研究用于理解和应用影响整个学校选区的法律问题. 圣经中所有原则和实践的应用是重点.

  • 教学监督

    This course will assist supervisory personnel in improving their ability to exercise effective supervision and evaluation principles. 这种改进将受到圣经世界观的影响, 具有相关教育理论知识, and an opportunity to apply these principles and knowledge to specific supervisory problems and practices.



  • 完成应用程序
  • 最高获得学位和任何硕士学位工作的正式成绩单
  • 一份专业参考,一份一般参考
  • 最小累积2.7日平均绩点




  • 副校长 
  • 主要 
  • 管理员k - 12 
  • 教育署长 
  • 项目负责人 
  • 教育评估者 
  • Title 1项目主任 
  • 教育管理人员 
  • 教育顾问 
  • 企业培训师 
  • 政策分析 
  • 研究员 



Upon completing the Master of Education in Educational 管理istration you will be qualified to pursue positions such as principal or assistant principal, 教育总监, Title 1项目的主任等等. Advance your career and enhance your earning potential by preparing yourself to step into leadership roles in the field of education.


The Master of Education program at Columbia Inter国家 University is designed to be completed in just 15 个月. 这个加速的时间表可以让你快速获得学位,并开始你的职业目标.


是的, the Master of Education program at Columbia Inter国家 University is designed to be flexible and accommodate the needs of part-time and full-time students. 你可以选择以适合你的速度上课, 无论这意味着要在15个月内完成课程,还是需要更长时间才能完成.


教育硕士课程的所有课程都是在线授课,为期六周. 每学期, 你一次只选一门课, 让您集中注意力,彻底完成每门课程.


是的, books are included in the tuition for the Master of Education program at Columbia Inter国家 University. 你不必担心单独购买教科书或其他材料, 因为它们将作为学费的一部分提供. 你可以期望在学期开始时收到每门课程所需的书籍和材料, 所以你可以马上开始学习.


是的, financial aid is available to qualified applicants for the Master of Education program at Columbia Inter国家 University. 请查看财务援助页面,了解有关申请流程和可用资源的更多信息.


是的, the Master of Education program at Columbia Inter国家 University offers a mentorship program for students who need additional support and guidance. You will be assigned a mentor who will work with you throughout the program to help you succeed and achieve your goals.


No, it is not necessary to have an undergraduate degree in education to apply for the Master of Education program at Columbia Inter国家 University. 然而, applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and meet other admission requirements.


