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Understand and Engage with the Islamic World with an MA in Muslim-Christian Relations 

Columbia Inter国家 University’s 穆斯林-基督教关系文学硕士 provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand and engage with the Muslim world. 占世界人口的一半, historical tensions and misunderstandings have hindered meaningful dialogue and cooperation between these two faith traditions. 事实上, the Muslim world remains one of the least reached areas for the gospel from a Christian perspective. 

Through CIU’s MA in Muslim-Christian Relations you will delve into the history, 伊斯兰教的哲学和神学, 全面了解这个有影响力的信仰. 另外, you will explore the historical interactions between Muslims and Christians, enabling you to navigate these complex dynamics with cultural sensitivity and a missional mindset. 

通过比较基督教和伊斯兰教的信仰, you will gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of your own Christian faith. This comparative approach equips you to engage in meaningful dialogue with Muslims, fostering a greater appreciation for their beliefs and values while effectively communicating the message of the gospel. 你是否渴望在跨文化事工中服侍, missions or simply desire to engage with Muslims in your community, this program will equip you with the necessary tools and perspectives to make a positive impact. 

You have the flexibility to choose between studying on CIU’s picturesque campus in Columbia, 南卡罗来纳, 你在哪里可以在一个学年完成课程, 或者选择我们最先进的交互式在线格式. 在线课程, 每个持续八周, are designed to accommodate your schedule and provide an immersive learning experience. You will have the opportunity to study alongside a diverse cohort of students and be guided by recognized experts in the field who have extensive experience living and working in the Muslim world. 

在学习期间, you will engage in a wide range of courses such as Introduction to Islam, 穆罕默德的一生, 伊斯兰教神学, 穆斯林的精神世界, Christian Approaches to Muslims and a History of Muslim-Christian Relations. 这些课程, 由知名学者主持, will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of Muslim-Christian relations and empower you to engage in meaningful interfaith dialogue and ministry. 

Come to CIU and be equipped to bridge the gap between Muslims and Christians, 获取知识, skills and cultural sensitivity necessary to navigate the challenges and opportunities in Muslim-Christian relations. 通过穆斯林-基督教关系硕士学位, you will have the opportunity to be a catalyst for positive change and build bridges of understanding, 这两个信仰团体之间的和解与爱. 


Why Choose Columbia Inter国家 University for the MA in Muslim-Christian relations degree?

Columbia Inter国家 University has been at the forefront of Muslim studies for over 20 years through our renowned Zwemer Center. CIU’s commitment to understanding Islam and engaging Muslims is deeply ingrained in the academic and practical approach of the Muslim studies 项目. 在CIU, you will have the unique opportunity to study under the guidance of expert resident faculty and Zwemer fellows, who are distinguished scholars with extensive experience living and serving in various regions of the Muslim world, 包括北非, 中东、中亚和南亚. 

CIU believes in the importance of firsthand knowledge and practical experience. That's why our faculty members have not only studied Islam extensively but have also lived and continue to live out the principles they teach. Their personal encounters and interactions with Muslims bring a richness and authenticity to your learning experience. 你将受益于他们的深刻见解, firsthand stories and practical wisdom gained through years of living in Muslim-majority countries and engaging with diverse Muslim communities. 

By studying with faculty who have direct experience in the Muslim world, you will have the privilege of learning from individuals who have navigated the complexities of Muslim societies, engaged in interfaith dialogue and demonstrated Christlike love and compassion to their Muslim neighbors. Their expertise and personal experiences will shape your understanding of Islam and provide you with a holistic perspective that goes beyond academic knowledge. 

通过我们的项目, you will not only gain a comprehensive understanding of the history, 伊斯兰教的哲学和神学 but also be exposed to the practical aspects of engaging with Muslims in various cultural contexts. Our faculty will share practical strategies and insights on how to effectively communicate the gospel message, build relationships and address the unique challenges and opportunities that arise in Muslim-Christian interactions. 

By joining CIU and studying within our vibrant academic community, you will become part of a legacy of dedicated scholars and practitioners who have made significant contributions to the field of Muslim Studies. You will have the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking discussions, collaborate with fellow students who share your passion and be mentored by recognized experts in the field. 

CIU's commitment to understanding Islam and engaging Muslims is not just an academic pursuit; it is a calling to bridge the gap between faith communities, foster mutual understanding and share the transformative power of the gospel. 通过我们的项目, you will be equipped to engage in meaningful interfaith dialogue, pursue missional opportunities and make a positive impact in the lives of Muslims around the world. 

欢迎来到CIU, where you will find a vibrant community of scholars and practitioners who are dedicated to understanding Islam, engaging with Muslims and equipping you for a transformative journey of learning, 成长与跨文化事工. 在一起, we can make a difference in the world by building bridges of understanding, 穆斯林和基督徒之间的同情和和解. 



The M.A. in Muslim Christian Relations provides training for those working and serving in the Muslim world. 研究生s from this program are equipped to work and serve in various spheres including: 

  • 任务服务: Missionaries in cross-cultural service across the Muslim world; mission agency office support person; mission mobilizer 
  • Governmental服务: 在美国的外交职位.S. 海外大使馆. 
  • 非政府组织工作: Serve in a nongovernmental organization in the Muslim world or among Muslim immigrants to other countries 
  • 发展及救援工作: 一些最穷的人, most underdeveloped and war-torn nations in the world are predominantly Muslim countries. Serve in development and relief with significant understanding of the Muslim context. 
  • 调解: Serve as an advocate for peace where there is conflict among Muslims themselves and between Muslims and people of other faiths 
  • 学术生涯: Ph.D. 为大学生涯做准备, 神学院和大学水平的教学, 无论是在美国还是在国外.


爱德华·L. 史密斯

布道学院院长 & Intercultural Ministry, Professor of Intercultural Studies and History of Global Christianity


  • ICS 5020伊斯兰教简介

    This overview of Muslim faith and practice with an emphasis on comparisons with Christianity will help you develop a better understanding of Islam and learn to explain the gospel to Muslims with greater passion and sensitivity.

  • ICS 6024理解文化 & 世界观

    This course will enable you to understand the worldview assumptions that are foundational to a person's belief systems and behavior patterns. You will analyze the culture and worldview of an ethno-linguistic or socio-economic grouping of people from a biblical worldview perspective. 你也会考虑圣经情境化的元素.

  • ICS 6071接近穆斯林

    在本课程中, you will analyze and evaluate ways Christian witness relates to conversion, 门徒, 以及在穆斯林中建立教会. Special attention will be given to what message your lifestyle and public behavior communicate to Muslims. 你将学会回应穆斯林的担忧和反对, 澄清他们的困惑点, 帮助他们看到耶稣是主和救主.

  • INT 6920全球实习

    作为你学位的巅峰经历, you will spend a minimum of 250 hours in a context of intercultural or Muslim ministry under the supervision of a qualified mentor in the field. 你的位置, 事工计划, and field mentor must be approved by your advisor before registration.

For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the Academic 目录.


  • 完成应用程序
  • Official transcripts for highest earned degree and any master’s degree work
  • 教会领袖推荐信
  • 申请论文(800字,打印)
  • 最小累积2.5 GPA


SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)


  • 跨文化使命 服务 
  • 政府服务 
  • 非政府服务 
  • 非营利组织的工作 
  • 难民安置 
  • 学术生涯 




Please check the Tuition and Fees page for the most up-to-date information. There are certain discounts and benefits given for military status and to employees and family members of our partner organizations. Our financial aid counselors will help you determine the best way to finance this important investment in your future career earnings. 了解更多详细信息, check our 金融援助 page and select the option for online students here.


If you are taking two online classes per eight-week term, then you will finish within 10 个月. If you take one class per eight-week term, then you will finish in 18 个月. 如果你在校园里, 那么你每学期可以修五门课程(秋季和春季), 让你在10个月内完成.


有六个, 一年内八周的学期(秋季), Fall 2, 春天1, 春季2, 夏天1, Summer 2) so you may begin at any of these start dates in August, 10月, 1月, March, 五月或七月.


当您打开Canvas站点时, you will see that a week begins on Monday morning and ends on Saturday night at 11:59 p.m. Each week when you open the course, you will have readings, pre-recorded lectures and assignments. Most assignments are due on Wednesday or Saturday night of each week. You will discuss the readings and lectures each week in online forums with your classmates and instructor. Though there are no required class meetings since students are often spread across the world in different time zones, 你的教授可能会邀请你参加一个自愿参加的Zoom会议. You can also schedule a consultation with your professor over Zoom.


You should plan on about 15 hours per week for one online class.


对于在线学生, 没有要求一定要来学校, but we are always happy to see you for a visit or when you come for graduation.


There are a number of career paths including cross-cultural mission service, 政府服务, 非政府服务, 非营利组织的工作, 难民安置和学术生涯.


